Category: Causes of Trip & Falls

How to Win a Slip & Fall Accident Case

When you enter a mall, grocery store, restaurant or other public entity, you are owed a legal duty of care in most cases. This responsibility means that the owner of that building is legally bound to take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of everyone entering the premises. An owner of the property may deviate from this standard of …

Wet Floor Fall Accident Attorneys

Whenever a simple precautionary measure such as the placement of a sign can prevent injuries, it is important for property owners to do their part in providing a safe environment for residents, customers and visitors. The Orange County trip and fall attorneys of Jimmie Kang Law Firm have handled countless cases where clients were injured needlesslybecause others refused …

Uneven Floor Fall Accident Attorneys

When you walk into the home of another person, you are likely a social guest and expect to enjoy time catching up. Social guests don’t anticipate that they may become victims due to dangerous conditions on an owner’s property. Uneven surfaces account for a typical accident that many social guests now encounter when they visit …

Orange County Snow & Ice Slip-Fall Injury Lawyers

It is not uncommon for a person to slip and fall due to winter conditions, especially here in Orange County. These falls usually are not dangerous, many times more humorous than painful. However, not everyone who slips on an icy sidewalk or parking lot is laughing. Serious injuries can occur, leaving the victim with painful …

Protruding Object Fall Accident Lawyer

While trips and falls are commonplace in everyday life, there are times when a person may suffer from severe injuries as a result of a trip or fall. Accidental falls might cause a broken bone, head injury or even severe brain damage. Understandably, a person likely wants to know whether he or she has a premises …

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